«Lviv legal centre» was founded in 2001 and today offers a full range of high quality legal services necessary for conducting business in Ukraine.
For professionals of «Lviv legal centre» important are the development of stable relations with clients and a comprehensive approach to solving current problems of the client. To this end, we always keep in touch with authorities and management, partnerships with leading consulting companies and lawyers, continuously improving professional skills of our lawyers.
We accompany our clients from the inception of the company during the entire period of their activities. Solving each of the legal tasks, we help clients achieve their goals.
Our company specializes in a wide range of legal practices, including corporate law and M&A, real estate and construction, antitrust and competition litigation, intellectual property, insurance, labor law, administrative law. We provide our clients with services in various business sectors, including trade, energy, real estate, food processing, financial services, telecommunications, agricultural industry and transport.
We offer our clients a flexible system of cooperation, providing services in the following ways – consulting (legal advice), outsourcing, due diligence.
We will be glad to have you as our customers and future partners!
Our team
We believe that the principal asset of «Lviv legal centre» is our team and its members with their personal qualities – who they are and what they do. We are convinced that the success of our work primarily depends on people making up our team.
Hence, the company possesses a team of young, dynamic, at the same time experienced, and qualified practicing lawyers. Our lawyers have solid experience in Ukrainian and international law, ability to understand the needs and goals of our clients and thus provide high quality legal services. All of our lawyers have their own specialization in several areas of law, and speak Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and English.
Our team members are guided by three maxims: success-oriented attitude, individual approach and responsibility for provided services.